With MedAdvo’s five star program, we combine healthcare demands into one cluster: “a plan and a promise” to deliver programs that involve you!
Need unlimited access to a provider without the wait? Worried about co-payment, costs, or exam fees? Worry and need no more. MedAdvo’s Telemedicine has the right combination of managing healthcare costs with the added benefit of convenience. Join us now
Medical Bill Negotiations
No matter what, the bills just keep coming. No matter how hard you try, technology can’t eliminate using the hospital or a provider face- to- face at some point. Wouldn’t you feel better if someone could read your bill and understand the charges? 8 out of 10 bills have errors. Let MedAdvo review your bill so you keep money in your pocket. Join us now
Value Priced Health Services
“The sum is greater than its parts” At MedAdvo, we understand this quite well. We know that our purchasing and negotiating power leads to savings for our clients. Let us starting saving you money on outpatient procedures, chronic care, “out of pocket” expenses, prescription drugs, dental care, vision services and much more. Join us now.
Surgery Price Validator
Contemplating a surgical procedure? Are you aware of the costs, both shared and hidden? There might also be differences related to location of surgery and a host of other variables. Don’t go at it alone. Let MedAdvo evaluate your surgical plan and advise you of cost concerns prior to getting charged. Join us now
Personal Health Advocate
Need help for yourself, an employee, loved one or a client? Whether you need an advocate to accompany you or someone to appointments, provide sitter services, fitness coaching, explain healthcare plans, doctors’ instructions or more, MedAdvo’s personal advocate program is what you need. Join us now.