MedAdvo provides Employee education in three distinct categories. Read on to learn more.
Employee Education
Is Employee Education a noun or a verb in your organization? The answer is hidden in the results of productivity, morale, workplace injuries and other analytics. Whether the education is related to your health plan or issues within safety, MedAdvo is the source of information to guide.
Employee Utilization of Healthcare Plan
Are you as employer seeing more and more problems with “out of network” payments for healthcare services for your employees? One of the many pressing issues in employee education is knowledge and understanding of the company’s healthcare plan. Nothing is more frustrating to an employee who receives care and has no knowledge of costs and payment. We will solve your problems by saving you time and company’s and employees’ money.
Employee Health and Wellness
Are you frustrated that your employee is not taking all the advantages offered in your health plan that foster a healthy lifestyle? From healthy lifestyle habits, safety and proper work techniques, to utilizing benefits plan properly.
MedAdvo offers employee education programs to businesses across the globe. The programs are offered through our Worksite Wellness program and provides on-site interactive health and wellness solutions to educate your employees on the benefits of choosing a healthier lifestyle.
Contact MedAdvo in order that we might assist you in maintaining the health of your employees.
Workplace Injury:
Workers' Compensation.
Overcharges and mistakes in billing for medical procedures are common. If you had a recent major medical procedure and suspect you've been overcharged...
Schedule a Courtesy Workers' Compensation Review!