MedAdvo provides Attorneys expert knowledge in dealing with regulatory, governmental and state specific matters: MedAdvo negotiates with insurance carriers including commercial insurance, Managed care, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Affairs and others, advises in lien matters and Medicare set asides. Finally, MedAdvo prepares appeals, responds to denials and manages the healthcare billing and collections process for its’ clients. MedAdvo also provides reserve calculation for future medical bills.
In all matters, MedAdvo assists its attorneys with closing cases faster, relieving the medical management burden from firm and client and the provision of seasoned healthcare experts trained in managing simple to complex matters with the highest degree of detail and integrity.
Overcharges and mistakes in billing for medical procedures can be costly, often contributing to financial turmoil. If you have a client who is considering, needs alternatives, or are completed with bankruptcy proceedings; contact us to see how we can help in either scenario.
Attorneys: Schedule a Courtesy Client Bill Review!