Recent studies show that 8 out of 10 medical bills contain errors. These errors in medical bills present themselves to the patient in confusing code and terminology. Attached to this code is the demand for prompt payment despite the fact that many of the charges for services never occurred or are inflated. The patient is still left is fear, shock and disbelief.
Fortunately, MedAdvo understands the confusing code, terminology and charges. We break the code and re-price your healthcare.
Contact MedAdvo; we will review your bill for accuracy and give you the peace of mind that you deserve.
Click on the "Contact Us Here" button on the right. Fill out the simple form and we will provide you with more information about how you can benefit from our Medical Bill Review. or CALL US: (855) 439-4300
Overcharges and mistakes in billing for medical procedures are common. If you had a recent major medical procedure and suspect you've been overcharged...
Schedule Your FREE Medical Bill Review Today!