Mesothelioma cases are complex not to mention expensive. Not only does the cancer itself exact a heavy toll on the patient, it can also cause financial hardship.
To live longer, patients need to be prepared to pay more. Mesothelioma patients who are fortunate enough to be eligible for multi-modal therapies must fork over high deductibles. The longer the survival, the higher the medical costs.
MedAdvo understands every detail relating the medical diagnosis, exposure, medical bills, proper referral and medical cost.
We can help save you time, grow your practice and service more clients. Contact MedAdvo let us show you how.
Call us at: (855) 439-4300
Overcharges and mistakes in billing for medical procedures are common. If you represent a client that had a recent major medical procedure related to Mesothelioma...
Attorneys: Schedule a Courtesy Client Bill Review!