As a Personal Injury Attorney: Are you dealing with complicated insurance or provider medical bills? Maybe you are dealing with liens, Medicare and insurance set-asides. In the midst of the insurance, bills, liens fiasco, you might need assistance with locating and negotiating with providers for care as the case progresses. No matter what you are dealing with, you might just be too busy to deal with the insurers, the medical bills, provider negotiations, protecting client rights, and managing the case. These elements alone can be challenging but with combined can prove to be very overwhelming.
Your time is important. MedAdvo can help you close your cases and discover ways to deliver more money into the hands of your clients. Contact MedAdvo and let us show you how.
Overcharges and mistakes in billing for medical procedures are common. If you have a client that had a recent major medical procedure and can't pay the bill...
Attorneys: Schedule a Courtesy Client Bill Review!