Have YOU Been Overcharged?:
Does your hospital bill seem unreasonable? Need a medical bill reviewed? Did you know that 8 out of 10 medical bills have errors? The question is? Why is when we leave our grocery store that we check our receipts? The answer is it appeared that the clerk might have mistakenly scanned an item twice. In healthcare, scanning, charging, bar coding etcetera are things done in our absence. And unlike your grocer receipt, the bills is difficult to read. So you accept it. MedAdvo can get in line and check your receipt. We root out duplicate charges, overcharges, and other mistakes. Read on about our key components of reviewing your bills.
MedAdvo can help you close your cases, deal with medical costs and discover ways to deliver more money into the hands of your clients. Contact MedAdvo and let us show you how.
INDIVIDUALS: Medical Bills and Overcharges; Medical Bills
ATTORNEYS: Personal Injury; Medical Bill Negotiations, Medical Debt
Personal Injury:
As a personal injury Attorney, are you dealing with complicated insurance or provider medical bills or maybe you're too busy to validate your client's medical bills? Bills from multiple providers? Are you challenged with keeping track of bills? Understanding their costs? Is the settlement uncertain while the bills are overwhelming?
Or maybe you need the services of additional providers for validation of injuries whether its’ treatment, reports, or expert testimony. Whether the case has major exposure or not, when medical bills are involved the same amount of time is necessary. And for you, time is important; you have other clients to serve. MedAdvo can help you close your cases, deal with medical costs and discover ways to deliver more money into the hands of your clients. Contact MedAdvo and let us show you how.
EMPLOYERS-ATTORNEYS: Workers' Compensation
Workers' Compensation: As an employer dealing with workers' compensation issues or as a workers’ compensation attorney, are you dealing with employees or clients who have had workplace injuries who have ongoing care needs? Are there denials for payment? Are there medical necessity issues? Are you challenged with finding providers to care for your employee or client throughout this process? There are many medical concerns that are very confusing, as you know, when dealing with workers’ compensation. MedAdvo understands. Contact MedAdvo, let us show you how we can save your time, money and improve your bottom line.
Written by Ray Shoemaker | |INDIVIDUALS: Do you need a medical Second Opinion?
Need A Second Opinion:
After you’ve been diagnosed and your doctor has outlined your treatment, you may still have a nagging doubt: What if my doctor is wrong?
No matter how much you like or trust your doctor, it’s natural to wonder if something was missed or if a new treatment is available. If you have any doubts, get a second opinion. Getting a second opinion is your right as a patient. And besides having the input of another expert makes sense. Our experts at MedAdvo believe that doctors should never try to prevent you from getting a second opinion instead, they should encourage it. Second opinions are often really helpful because they offer reassurance. So what do you need to know about getting a second opinion?
Why Get a Second Opinion?
What are the benefits of getting a second opinion? The answer to these questions---- Simple- Not everybody is right every time. If you have questions about your diagnosis and need help determining whether you need a second opinion, give us a call at our toll free number 855-439-4300 MedAdvo has a plan.....And it involves you!
INDIVIDUALS: Know Your Pre-Treatment Options
If you have clicked on our Pre-Treatment icon, you are either considering care for yourself or a loved one. Pre-Treatment has a different meaning for everyone who navigates here. And for every meaning, we understand the importance. You might have a medical issue and preparing for the procedure, you might not be sure about whether the procedure is right for you, you might have questions about cost, follow on care and more. But the fact is, you are in the right hands with MedAdvo. We can assist you before you go any further. After you watch this video, read on to learn about some of our solutions.
• Alternate Health Solutions
• Provider Selection
• Cost Analysis
• Bill Negotiation